Blackout to Blessing
How the Perfect Love of Jesus Saved Me From the Highway to Hell
Blackouts, Shame, and the Search for Identity


Addictions are painfully packaged with paralyzing shame, and the horror of “coming to” after a marathon blackout is especially excruciating for women. Females who drink excessively are often labeled, easy, sleazy, desperate and needy – and commonly experience judgment that escapes men. These out-of-control drinkers may capably juggle professional jobs, homes, and families – but run endlessly on hamster wheels of fear, lies, and deception. Melissa Huray was such a woman – medicating fear and a gaping abandonment wound with uncontrolled drinking binges and an endless stream of empty relationships. After fifteen years spent searching for worldly answers, Melissa finally surrendered to the only One with any true saving power.

About Melissa Huray
Melissa Huray has dedicated the last two decades to helping people with addictions find freedom. Radically delivered by the Lord Jesus 21 years ago, she is a masters level addiction counselor with degrees in communications and exercise physiology. Through a series of divine appointments, in 2018 she was hired as Executive Director for the Lindell Recovery Network. Her many writing pieces have appeared in local magazines and Charisma Media publications. Melissa’s memoir “Blackout to Blessing” was released in 2023, and her devotional book “Radical Freedom” was published by BroadStreet books in 2024. Melissa has appeared on CBN News, In the Market with Janet Parshall, FOX 5 Washington DC, America’s Hope with Kelly Wright, Life Today with Randy Robison, TCT Network, WATC Atlanta Live, Viewpoint with Chuck Crismier, WCCO News, and many other radio and television programs. She is a dynamic speaker who has presented at Minnesota correctional facilities as well as large organizations including Minnesota Social Services Association. She served as an addiction treatment professional and advisor on the Minnesota DWI court panel.
Prior to entering the field of addiction recovery, Melissa was an on-air radio personality and Emmy award winning news reporter and anchor. She currently lives in the Twin Cities suburb of Lakeville with her husband Mike and has three daughters. Melissa is a faithful follower of Jesus Christ who enjoys reading, running, wordsmithing and singing.